PicoGAME LCD: Handheld videogame

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Joined: 16/09/2019
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4048
Posted: 02:57pm 14 May 2023      

  stanleyella said  Looks tidy from the top... er.. each to their own with wiring, don't they make a wire wrap tool for these boards?

I did look at other techniques a couple of years ago. Wire-wrap pins are pretty expensive and I very much doubt I would be able to hack prototypes together, or pull them apart quite so quickly if I was using wire-wrapping. I quite liked the sound of using a wiring pencil with solderable enamel wire, but all I have ever managed to create with that is a burnt mess, not sure if that was because the wire was not as advertised or because I was incompetent. I've settled on the pictured as an adequate protoypting technique within my capabilities, if I need anything more then I'll be learning to make PCBs.

EDIT: as to veroboard, of which I do have a big slab, I found it to be inflexible when prototyping on the fly (i.e. you need to do more up-front layout), and even if you do that planning, you require more real-estate because of the fixed tracking.

Best wishes,

Edited 2023-05-15 01:02 by thwill