PicoGAME LCD: Handheld videogame

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Joined: 25/06/2022
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 2150
Posted: 02:39pm 15 May 2023      

Hi lizby. imho the ili9341 using mmbasic is not "slow". "Missile command" is just the
Bresenham's line algorithm but pixel at a time and the explosions using circles I've done before.
I worked in an arcade games factory in the 70's and there was a run of atari missile command machines. think they used 6502 and a raster scan crt not x-y monitor like asteroids and battle zone.
The tracker ball was new but just 2 ir led and sensor with slotted discs driven by the ball. Before ball ps2 mice.
It would work nice with a touch screen as an alternative to buttons/joypad.